Thursday, August 25, 2005

We Loved You! When Can You Start!

Sorry it's been so long since I posted anything. A lot has been going on and I just havent been online very much. One good thing is, I have lots of blogs to catch up on!

I was offered some jobs I couldn't take (one was on a cruise ship, would have been cool but I want to stay in Los Angeles for now) and I've finally taken a receptionist job.

It's for a slightly shady company that does radio. We 'audition' people at $25 a pop (they're paying for the radio career workshop, which is a 45 minute video we play for them) and then call them back and tell them they got the job. Everyone who pays the $25 gets the job.

Then, they get their own radio show. Kind of. It's on AM, the station moves around the dial seemingly at whim. The DJs have to go out and get the advertising for their 'show', where they play what we tell them to play. Did I mention they have to pay for the studio time with additional advertising?

Basically the DJ pays us handsomely to allow him/her a few seconds on the air. I spend a lot of my time calling people back and telling them how great they did on the audition. They woop and cheer and are so damned happy. I feel a bit bad, but all the wooping is uplifting too.

They DO get to be on air, and they DO get experience. Kind of like a pay-your-way internship, I guess.

The company is in Hollywood, which seems glamorous to anyone who hasn't been here. It's run down and seedy. And I get hit on, a lot. I don't know if it's because they think I have some influence, or if it's genuine. I guess if you see a hundred people a day, the odds are in your favor.

But if one more buxom bitch cheerfully, gum-poppingly tells me where I can 'get mine done' I'm gonna shoot her in the face with the gun they gave me. Yes they gave me a gun to keep in my desk. No bullets though.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 7:15 PM , Blogger shana p. said...

oh my god.... my husband and I did our first Vegas radio show there five years ago.... I know EXACTLY WHERE IT IS!!!!!!!!! Nice area if you need a massage with a happy ending, huh? Yeah, it's a little shady, but we didn't take it too seriously and we had a blast as well as getting some great demo material!

I can't believe I just admitted that ;)

At 8:51 PM , Blogger Laziest Girl said...

Hey, a job is a job - so good for you. You can always move into aeronautical engineering or neurology at a later date!

At 8:52 PM , Blogger Laziest Girl said...

P.S. Glad you're back. Thought we'd lost you there for a bit.

At 9:02 AM , Blogger MC Etcher said...

Weird job.

Wow, I thought you were dead! I'd built a little memorial and everything.

At 11:03 AM , Blogger Litany said...

Sorry if I worried you guys!
It's good to be missed.



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