Friday, July 22, 2005

Let the Mirror Decide

Yowza! I got a call from that marketing company that I applied to the other day. I don't think I've ever had such a quick response to submitting my resume. That's encouraging.

They woke me up with the call - I just hope that my incoherant "HuhWhatUgh?" didn't off-put the HR guy. And my breath was foul, I just know he could tell over the phone.

They want me to come in on Monday for an interview, it's supposed to take two hours. What kind of interview takes two hours? They didn't give me any details, but I can only guess there will be testing of some sort.

I've spent the last hour studying their web site to get an idea of what they're about, who they are and what they do. It's all pretty vague, really. Lots of snappy verbage and not a lot of detail. We'll see.

I need to get an interview outfit dry cleaned. Should I go with the ankle-length black dress, or the dark grey slacks? The dress is classier, and the slacks more professional. Hmn. Maybe I'll get both of them dry cleaned, and decide once I've tried them on. Let the mirror decide.

I sent out a bunch more resumes yesterday. I've applied for just about everything that I'm qualified for at this point, and a few things that I'm not qualified for.

You know what's funky? You need less training (time wise) to be a Paramedic than you do to be a Librarian.

Litany Webb, signing off

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At 11:52 AM , Blogger kthrne said...

My guess is psychological testing or nude pictures. Which I would personally find worse, I don't know...

Good luck with the job hunt!

At 6:37 PM , Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

Funny. I just had a thought: what do you wear when you blog??

At 12:18 PM , Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

seriously--I need to know.


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